Days 12 of #30DaysOfCode

Days 12 of #30DaysOfCode


1 min read

What I did:

What is the internet? Short answer: a distributed packet-switched network.
No one person or organization is really in charge of it

Internet act like post services but shifts Binary Information.

Information = bits = 0 or 1

1byte= 8bits, 1KB= 1024bits

Physically bits are traveled by electricity, radio waves, and light

Bandwidth= Maximum transfer capacity of a device. And Bandwidth depends on Bit Rate(the number of bit transfers over some time, in seconds)

Latency = Time bit takes to travel from one place to another

Internet is a design philosophy and architecture expressed in a set of protocols

Because of the Internet design philosophy, it can adopt new communication technologies, as every new technology only needs to know what protocol it needs to use.

Every device has a unique address called an IP Address - a number

IPv4 -> 32 bits , IPV6 128 bits

The computer looks up Domain Name from DNS (Domain Name System) to find the IP address of a domain

DNS and IP addresses are designed to scale

HTTP & DNS manage the sending and receiving of the web files

TCP/ IP breakdown and transport packets
Wires, Cables, and WIFI are binary sequences are 1s and 0s that are sent physically
